
幸福拍手歌 世界通用的經(jīng)典兒童歌曲,大人小孩可以互動,氣氛很好。豬之歌哦,小懶豬啊......大象-胡雯 其中有一段適合小朋友學的,聲音甜,比蠟筆小新唱的好哦。生日快樂歌 中英文都可以學拉......蝸牛與黃鸝鳥,教科書上現(xiàn)在還有的,提前學,到學校讓老師夸。一只只小鳥,我是一只小小鳥童聲版,小朋友唱會很可愛的。三只小熊,歌詞簡單的,邊扭屁股邊唱......親親豬豬寶貝,唱出很多生活學習的好習慣,邊唱邊學。死性不改童聲版本,很好聽的。只不過是童話,英文的,兒童哼出來就很好聽了,會唱絕對是紅遍全國。獅子座 的童聲一定很棒 喜羊羊與灰太狼,孩子看到動畫片就不走了...... 另外其實要以學為主的話,我建議聽經(jīng)典兒歌,但要追求好聽的話,沒有必要選了,童聲唱出來稚氣大家都會喜歡的,不信你試看看,讓她唱劉若英的歌曲《后來》《為愛癡狂》《原來你也在這里》 范范的《啟程》《一個象夏天,一個象秋天》 梁詠琪的《膽小鬼》 孫燕姿《遇見》 王菲《傳奇》......男生的也有很多歌曲適合她唱啊,任賢齊《對面的女孩看過來》 五月天《知足》 光良《童話》 陳亦迅《十年》 陳小春《獨家記憶》 張杰《看月亮爬上來》......很多啊,你女兒如果把我列的都學會了,往網(wǎng)上一傳......得,2010年她最火 其實我是比較建議你去給孩子聽聽純音樂的,像莫扎特的鋼琴曲 肖邦的夜曲等 還有歡樂頌 天堂之路 小夜曲 追夢人 等等
DJ快版叮叮(別看DJ 真比較聽 像別DJ鬧) 適合游戲音樂 背景音樂 或者用 阿拉蕾 適合 其實 考慮卡通片音樂 比派King喜歡卡通片 找卡通片主題曲或者歡快點插曲 游戲關鍵點(自設計主要流程節(jié)點)使用Ta喜歡角色語(找找截取音頻軟件自截取 簡單) 啊 許愿候或者些表達祝福候 弄點安靜純音樂(班瑞迷霧水珠 、春水類) 順便句題外 童Party要弄太復雜 別弄太冗 游戲間適 晚舉行 7點9點左右 8點半 間安排緊湊點 孩容易 讓保持興奮情 完美Party
Without You - Holly WilliamsI'm packing up to sing my songs,All these towns blend into one,I'm somewhere in Madrid.I got here on crowded trainsWith old guitars and a famous name,Running like a kid, running like a kid.I carry 'round this old backpack full of CD's and Kerouac,Living on the road.I left my heart on the coast of WalesWith the boy I met at The Last HotelBut I had to let him go.And that's when I was searching,I'm not searching anymoreAnd that's when I was learningAbout the things worth living forBefore I was open, beforeI knew I couldn't live a dayWithout youWithout youSo I moved out west where the starletsPlay on the boulevards of West LAAnd I tried to make a name.But it never felt like home to me soI drove three days back to TennesseeIn a slow and steady rain.And that's when I was searching,I'm not searching anymoreAnd that's when I was learningAbout the things worth living forBefore I was open,Before I knew I couldn't live a dayWithout youWithout youWithout you in the morning,To love me another dayWithout you in the evening,When the colors start to fadeWithout you on the plane rideTo hold my hand and prayWithout you standing hereWhen you could've walked awayNow I'm not searching,I'm not searching anymoreBut I'm, I'm still learningAbout the things worth living forI am here, I am open,And now I know I couldn't live a dayWithout youWithout youI'm packin' up to sing my songs,All these towns blend into one.
1.仙劍3音樂《玉滿堂》曲調輕松調皮,不過這段MIDI不太好找2.童年3.爸爸媽媽去上班我去幼兒園4.再見了小時候5.never grow old6.let is get it started